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nones in the ancient Roman calendar, the ninth day before the ides of each month, such as March 7, the ninth day before March 15.
oblique of military march, at an angle of forty-five degrees. [1/5 definitions]
parade to cause (people) to march in a parade. [2/9 definitions]
Pisces a person born under this sign, between February 21 and March 20. [1/4 definitions]
promenade a formalized march of dancers, esp. in square dancing, folk dancing and ballet. [1/8 definitions]
quickstep music for a military march in a quick tempo. [1/2 definitions]
Saint Patrick's Day March 17, observed by the Irish in honor of the patron saint of Ireland.
simile a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are likened, often linked by "like" or "as," as in, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". (Cf. metaphor.)
spring a season of the year between winter and summer, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the March equinox to the June solstice. [1/22 definitions]
tramp to advance on foot, esp. at a steady, even gait; march or hike. [2/12 definitions]
winter the season of the year that is the lowest in temperature and occurs between the autumn and spring seasons. In the northern hemisphere, winter begins with the December solstice and ends at the March equinox. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at the summer solstice in June and ends with the autumnal equinox in September. [1/10 definitions]