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comma a punctuation mark (,) used to separate words, phrases, or other elements in a sentence, particulars in a list, or thousands in written numerals, or to indicate a pause, as in poetry.
crease a special mark or marked area in a field game such as cricket or hockey. [1/6 definitions]
crisscross a mark or pattern of two or more lines crossing each other. [1/6 definitions]
crop to clip or mark by clipping (an animal's ears). [1/12 definitions]
cross to mark off or eliminate, as from a list (usu. fol. by "out" or "off"). [1/16 definitions]
crown a wreath or other ornamental circlet conferred as a reward or mark of honor for an athletic, military, or other achievement. [1/21 definitions]
cutthroat trout a trout found in mountain streams in northwestern North America, having a reddish mark on its throat.
dagger in printing, a mark in the form of a cross, used esp. as a reference mark; obelisk. [1/3 definitions]
dapple a patch or group of spotted markings of different shade or color than their background, or a single such mark. [2/4 definitions]
dash a punctuation mark (--) used to indicate a break in thought, a parenthetical element, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
decoration a medal, sash, badge, or the like conferred as a mark of honor or military distinction. [1/3 definitions]
dele to mark for deletion. [2/3 definitions]
delimit to define or mark the limits or boundaries of; demarcate.
demarcate to determine or mark the boundaries of; delimit. [1/2 definitions]
demerit a mark made on a person's record because of some fault, misconduct, offense, or failure, often leading to punishment or a loss of privileges. [1/2 definitions]
denote to be a mark or signal of; indicate. [1/3 definitions]
designation a special mark, name, or title. [1/3 definitions]
deutsche mark deutsche mark or deutsche marks (deutschemark or deutschemarks) [2 definitions]
diacritic a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced; diacritical mark.
diacritical of a printing or writing mark, serving to distinguish the sound of a letter or group of letters from its other possible sounds, as an umlaut, circumflex, cedilla, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
diacritical mark a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced.