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bird's-eye marked or spotted with or in a pattern like birds' eyes. [1/4 definitions]
bitter full of, marked by, or causing emotions such as grief, anger, resentment, or hatred. [1/5 definitions]
blasphemous containing or marked by blasphemy; irreligious.
board game any game, such as chess or backgammon, in which pieces are moved on a specially marked board.
bourgeois marked by a concern for respectability, comfort, and material possessions. [1/6 definitions]
breathy marked by intentional or unintentional expiration of air that softens or otherwise alters the normal timbre of a wind instrument. [1/2 definitions]
bright marked by favorable circumstances; promising. [2/7 definitions]
bulimarexia an eating disorder, esp. found in young women, that is marked by the eating of large amounts of food followed by purging, usu. by self-induced vomiting or by taking laxatives, to avoid weight gain. (Cf. anorexia.)
bulleted marked by a bullet symbol or symbols.
bull nose a contagious disease in pigs caused by a bacterial infection and marked by a kind of swelling in the snout and mouth that destroys tissue.
bull's-eye the center of a target, usu. marked with a circle. [1/3 definitions]
buoyant marked by lightheartedness or cheer. [1/3 definitions]
burning marked by strong emotion; passionate. [1/4 definitions]
careless marked or caused by lack of forethought or consideration. [1/5 definitions]
ceremonious marked by or involving ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
ch. abbreviation of "chapter," one of the main sections of a book, usu. marked with a number or title.
chapter one of the main sections of a book, usu. marked with a number or title. [1/4 definitions]
characteristic marked by uniqueness or distinctiveness. [1/3 definitions]
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal; marked by charisma. [1/3 definitions]
checkerboard a surface marked into eight rows and columns of squares of two alternating colors, usu. red and black, and used as a game board for checkers or chess. [1/3 definitions]
childish marked by immaturity, weakness, or foolishness. [1/2 definitions]