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Cartesian of or pertaining to Descartes or his philosophy or mathematics. [1/2 definitions]
character a mark, letter, or symbol used in an alphabet or in mathematics. [1/7 definitions]
circular in mathematics, of or relating to a circle or properties of a circle. [1/5 definitions]
closed in mathematics, of or pertaining to a curve that encloses an area and has no end points. [1/6 definitions]
closed sentence in mathematics education, a simple mathematical equation or inequality in which all quantities are shown, such as 2 + 3 = 5.
commutative in mathematics, interchangeable in order, as the terms in the equation, a + b = b + a. [1/2 definitions]
compose a number in mathematics education, to add together different place values to make a complete number. For example, to compose the number 231, you would add the three place values that make up this number, a 200, a 30, and a 1.
compose a ten in mathematics education, to determine what number must be added to another number to make a total of ten.
continuum in mathematics, a set with two end points and an infinite number of points between. [1/2 definitions]
coordinate in mathematics, of or using coordinates as reference points. [2/11 definitions]
corollary in mathematics, a proposition whose proof directly follows in one or a few steps from the proof of another proposition. [1/4 definitions]
count on in mathematics education, to name the numbers in order, starting with a number other than one. [1/3 definitions]
decompose a number in mathematics education, to separate a number into its component place values. For example, to decompose the number 231 you would write "200+30+1".
diagonal in mathematics, joining two nonadjacent corners of a polygon or two corners of a polyhedron that are not in the same plane. [1/5 definitions]
differential in mathematics, relating to differentials. [2/8 definitions]
differential calculus the branch of mathematics that has to do with differentials and their application.
distributive in mathematics and logic, of or involving the property by which an operation may be applied to each item in an expression or proposition. [1/4 definitions]
divide in mathematics, to carry out a calculation on (a number) to determine how many times that number contains another. [1/8 definitions]
doubles minus one in mathematics education, involving the addition of consecutive numbers by doubling the larger number and subtracting one.
doubles plus one in mathematics education, involving the addition of consecutive numbers by doubling the smaller number and adding one.
equation in mathematics, a statement using an equal sign to assert the equality of two quantities or expressions. [1/4 definitions]