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cordage the amount of wood in a specified area as measured in cords. [1/2 definitions]
dimension size as measured in a particular direction such as height, width, or depth. [2/5 definitions]
dispenser a person or thing that gives or deals out, esp. a device or machine that dispenses items in packages or specific measured amounts.
electromotive force the force that causes electrical current to flow, usu. measured in volts.
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference based on observed, known, or measured values or facts. [1/3 definitions]
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.) [1/3 definitions]
footage a length of anything that can be measured in feet. [1/2 definitions]
gallonage amount or capacity measured in gallons.
geocentric of, concerning, or measured from the center of the earth. [1/2 definitions]
heat in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by temperature differences between one system, object, or medium, and another. [1/13 definitions]
illumination the intensity of light per unit of area of a surface exposed to light, measured in lumens; illuminance. [1/4 definitions]
incalculable not capable of being calculated or measured; too great or large to be calculated. [1/2 definitions]
inestimable of value or worth that cannot be measured; invaluable. [1/2 definitions]
infinite in mathematics, incapable of being completely counted or measured; not finite. [1/3 definitions]
infinitesimal of a thing or quantity, too small to be measured or calculated. [2 definitions]
injection something injected, esp. a measured dose of liquid medicine. [1/2 definitions]
interval a space between objects or measured points. [1/4 definitions]
lag the amount, degree, or duration of retardation, or the extent of retardation in one event as measured against another. [1/6 definitions]
lat. abbreviation of "latitude," the angular distance between the equator and a point north or south on the earth's surface, as measured in degrees.
latitude the angular distance between the equator and a point north or south on the earth's surface, as measured in degrees. [1/3 definitions]
linear measured in one dimension; relating to length. [1/6 definitions]