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chamber an official reception room or meeting hall, esp. of a legislative assembly. [1/6 definitions]
class a group of students meeting regularly to study the same topic. [1/8 definitions]
colloquium an informal group meeting or conference. [1/2 definitions]
community center one or more buildings serving a community or neighborhood as a meeting place for social, educational, athletic, or other activities.
conclave a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering. [3 definitions]
conference an organized meeting of persons with common interests, esp. professional interests, for the purpose of sharing information and opinions. [2/3 definitions]
congress a formal assembly or meeting of representatives from various nations, states, or other organizations. [2/7 definitions]
consistory the place or meeting of such an assembly. [1/2 definitions]
consultation a meeting for the purpose of exchanging ideas and opinions or for giving or receiving advice. [1/2 definitions]
convene to gather or assemble, esp. for a formal meeting. [1/3 definitions]
conventicle a secret religious meeting, esp. of dissenters or members of a nonconformist sect. [2 definitions]
convention a formal meeting or assembly called together to discuss or pursue common interests. [2/4 definitions]
convocation a meeting of people summoned together, often in a religious assembly. [1/2 definitions]
curia one of ten subdivisions of the three tribes in ancient Rome, or its meeting place. [1/2 definitions]
dais a raised platform, esp. at one end of a meeting hall, for speakers or persons being honored.
debate a discussion of two opposing viewpoints, usu. in a formal meeting or assembly. [1/7 definitions]
encounter a brief or unexpected meeting. [1/6 definitions]
fail to be unsuccessful in meeting the expectations of; disappoint. [1/10 definitions]
forum a meeting place or media channel for open discussion of issues. [2/4 definitions]
gathering a meeting. [1/4 definitions]
gavel a small hammer, usu. wooden, used by a judge or someone presiding over a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.