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insolvent incapable of paying debts or meeting liabilities; penniless; bankrupt. [1/3 definitions]
interview a meeting between a job applicant and a prospective employer, usu. to determine the applicant's qualifications. [1/5 definitions]
linkup a meeting or contact, as of spacecraft. [1/2 definitions]
mass meeting a large public meeting, called to discuss some matter of common concern or interest.
meet1 to have a meeting or discussion with another person or persons. [2/13 definitions]
Merry Christmas used as a greeting, when meeting or parting, to wish someone a joyful time at Christmas.
minute1 (pl.) the written record of a meeting. [1/6 definitions]
moderate to direct, guide, or preside over (a discussion, meeting, or the like). [2/9 definitions]
moderator someone who moderates, such as the leader of a discussion group or the chairperson at a meeting. [1/2 definitions]
move to make a formal request or proposal, as in a law case or in a meeting or legislature. [1/15 definitions]
observer someone who observes an event such as a meeting but does not participate in it. [1/2 definitions]
peace conference a meeting held to seek an end to a war or to find a way to a lasting peace.
pen pal a person who exchanges letters regularly with someone else usu. living so far away that a personal meeting is unlikely.
plenum a general assembly or meeting, as of a legislature, with all members present. [1/3 definitions]
powwow (informal) any meeting or conference. [1/4 definitions]
preside to act as directing or controlling authority, esp. in a meeting or within an organization.
proceeding (pl.) a series of events taking place over time, esp. a formal meeting. [2/4 definitions]
Quaker meeting a religious meeting of Quakers, characterized by long periods of meditation and silent prayer.
quorum the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place.
reception (chiefly British) the area surrounding or in front of a reception desk which is designed for waiting and meeting people; lobby. [1/6 definitions]
recognize to acknowledge (someone) as having the right to speak, esp. in a formal meeting. [1/7 definitions]