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recognize to acknowledge (someone) as having the right to speak, esp. in a formal meeting. [1/7 definitions]
rendezvous a meeting that has been arranged beforehand. [2/5 definitions]
reunion a meeting of friends, family, or past associates after a period of separation. [1/2 definitions]
right angle an angle formed by the meeting of two perpendicular lines and measuring ninety degrees.
roll call the reading aloud of a list of names of those expected to be present, such as students in a classroom, soldiers in a unit, or members at a meeting. [1/2 definitions]
seminar any similar meeting for the exchange of ideas. [1/2 definitions]
session a legislative or judicial meeting or meetings. [3/5 definitions]
shake hands to grasp the hand of another person and move it up and down in a gesture of good will, often used upon meeting a new person or when confirming an agreement (often fol. by "with").
sine die (Latin) having no set day or date for the next meeting or future business.
singles bar a bar that serves as a meeting place for young, unmarried people.
skip to fail to attend (a class, meeting, or the like). [1/10 definitions]
statehouse the official meeting place of a state legislature; state capitol.
summit a meeting of government leaders of the highest level, esp. one in which negotiations will take place. [1/5 definitions]
surgery (Chiefly British) a meeting held by a Minister of Parliament or local government official in which members of the public can raise issues, obtain advice, or get information. [1/6 definitions]
swap meet a meeting or gathering at which items, esp. used or collectible ones, are bought, sold, or exchanged.
symposium a conference or meeting on a single topic, usu. involving several speakers. [1/3 definitions]
talk a conference; meeting. [1/14 definitions]
town hall a building that houses the administrative offices of a town and often the meeting room of the town governing body.
town meeting a public meeting, open to all town voters acting as a legislative body, as in New England. [1/2 definitions]
tryst a meeting held at a specified time and place, esp. a secret meeting of lovers; rendezvous. [1/3 definitions]
turnout the number of people who appear at a meeting, lecture, or the like, or who participate in an event such as an election. [1/4 definitions]