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game show a television show in which participants play various games of chance, skill, or memory in order to win prizes.
gigabyte a unit of electronic storage capacity or memory equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes or approximately one billion bytes. (abbr.: G or GB)
grave3 to make a deep impression, as in the mind or memory. [1/2 definitions]
hark back to return to a previous point, or, as in memory, to an earlier time or subject.
haunt to come persistently and painfully to the mind or memory of. [1/4 definitions]
haunted obsessed or preoccupied, as by an idea, memory, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
immemorial reaching back in time beyond memory or record.
immortal enduring in fame or memory. [1/5 definitions]
imprint to impress on, or fix firmly in, the mind, memory, or feelings. [1/5 definitions]
ineradicable impossible to wipe out of existence, memory, or the like; not eradicable.
infix to fix in the mind or memory; instill; impress. [1/5 definitions]
in memoriam in memory of; as a memorial to.
jog1 to cause (the memory) to recall something or to be stimulated. [1/9 definitions]
keep in mind to hold (something) in one's memory and not forget it; remember.
learn to commit to memory; memorize. [1/5 definitions]
Lethe in Greek and Roman mythology, the river in Hades whose water causes loss of memory in those who drink it. [1/2 definitions]
limbic system a set of brain structures, located at the border (or limbus) separating the cerebral hemisphere from the brain stem, that support emotional responses, behavior, memory formation, and olfaction.
live1 to continue to be in existence or be present to the memory. [1/10 definitions]
load to transfer (data or a program) onto the memory of a computer. Data or programs may come from either the computer's storage or from an external source such as the internet. [1/17 definitions]
mb abbreviation of "megabyte," or "megabytes," a unit of electronic memory capacity equal to 1,048,576 bytes, or approximately one million bytes.
megabyte a unit of electronic memory capacity equal to 1,048,576 bytes, or approximately one million bytes.