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megabyte a unit of electronic memory capacity equal to 1,048,576 bytes, or approximately one million bytes.
meme an idea, behavior, style, or other element of a culture which takes root in that culture through repeated transmission and is kept in existence through the collective memory of the group. [1/2 definitions]
memorable easily kept in memory; highly impressive or exceptional. [1/2 definitions]
memorial serving to honor and preserve the memory of someone. [1/2 definitions]
memorialize to honor the memory of, as by an observance or celebration; commemorate. [1/2 definitions]
memorize to learn thoroughly so as to hold in the memory.
mind's eye the imagination or memory.
minicomputer a small computer with more memory and greater speed than a microcomputer.
mnemonic pertaining to or designed to aid the memory. [2 definitions]
mnemonics (used with a sing. verb) a process, system, or technique used to aid and improve the memory.
Mnemosyne in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying memory, and mother of the Muses.
motherboard the main printed circuit board of a personal computer, which holds chips containing the central processing unit, memory, ports, and the integrated circuits that control the keyboard and other standard peripheral devices, and to which additional circuit boards can be attached.
paramnesia in psychiatry, a distortion of memory in which factual and imagined events become confused.
play by ear to play (a piece of music) just from the memory of the sound of it and not from reading the musical notation. [1/2 definitions]
RAM abbreviation of "random-access memory."
random-access of a computer memory, allowing the retrieval of data directly, without regard to the sequence in which the data was input.
rattle off to list or recite quickly, esp. from memory.
recital a point by point report, usu. oral and esp. from memory, as of a list or series of events. [2/3 definitions]
recitation a session of a class or course for exercising students' memory of material that has been previously studied. [2/3 definitions]
recite to repeat the text of, esp. from memory and in public. [4/5 definitions]
recollect to retrieve or be able to retrieve from memory; recall; remember. [1/2 definitions]