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Pap test a microscopic examination of cells taken as a smear from the cervix of a woman, used to determine whether uterine cancer is present; Pap smear.
plankton free-floating, usu. microscopic plant and animal life found in fresh or salt water.
rotifer any of a group of mostly freshwater, microscopic, multicellular organisms that have one or more wheel-like rings of cilia at the front end which appear to rotate when vibrated.
stain a usu. liquid substance used to color something by penetrating it, such as wood or tissue for microscopic examination. [1/9 definitions]
stoma any of various microscopic openings in the epidermis of a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor are exchanged. [1/2 definitions]
zooid any of the individual, usu. microscopic animals forming an aggregate or colony, as of corals. [1/3 definitions]