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manganite a gray or black mineral form of manganese oxide that is an important ore of manganese. [1/2 definitions]
marcasite a common, light-colored mineral, chemically like pyrite but differing in crystalline structure. [2 definitions]
margarite a mineral related to mica that has a pearly sheen.
meerschaum a hard, dense mineral found in white, claylike beds in the Mediterranean region, and carved into decorative objects. [1/2 definitions]
metal any solid mineral element that exhibits certain characteristics such as the ability to conduct heat or electricity. Most metals may be shaped under heat or pressure. Iron, silver, copper, and gold are metals.
microcline a lustrous feldspar mineral that occurs in various colors and is used in making porcelain.
millrun a test for quality of a mineral ore done by a milling process. [1/3 definitions]
mine2 a deep hole or system of holes made in the earth, from which mineral substances such as gold, coal, or precious stones are extracted. [2/9 definitions]
mineralize to change into a mineral; petrify. [2/4 definitions]
mineral water water filled with mineral salts or gases.
molybdenite a soft gray mineral resembling graphite that is the principal ore of molybdenum.
monazite a yellow-brown or red-brown mineral phosphate of rare-earth metals that is a major source of thorium, cerium, and the like.
natural resource a source of economic wealth and prosperity that derives from nature, such as fresh water, mineral deposits, timber, wildlife, and park land.
nephrite a compact mineral that is a variety of jade and that varies in color from whitish to dark green.
nodule a small rounded mass, as of accumulated mineral matter. [1/2 definitions]
oil any of numerous mineral, animal, plant, or synthetic substances that are viscous, usu. liquid, and greasy, and that are soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water. [1/7 definitions]
olivine a common mineral silicate of magnesium and iron, found in gray-green crystalline masses in igneous and metamorphic rock, and used esp. as a structural material in bricks for lining furnaces.
opal a mineral that is white, black, blue, or yellow. Opals are used as gems.
ore a rock or mineral from which a metal or other useful substance can be removed.
osteomalacia softening of the bones caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, occurring esp. in pregnant women.
paramorphism change in the structure of a mineral without any change in its chemical composition.