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Dictionary Suite
portfolio the office or functions of a minister of state or cabinet member. [1/4 definitions]
preacher one who preaches, esp. a minister or clergyman.
premier see "prime minister." [1/3 definitions]
prime minister the chief minister and head of the cabinet in parliamentary governments.
secretary of state any government minister for foreign relations. [1/4 definitions]
sinecure a position for a church minister that includes a salary but does not require pastoral duties. [1/2 definitions]
subminister combined form of minister.
superminister combined form of minister.
surgery (Chiefly British) a meeting held by a Minister of Parliament or local government official in which members of the public can raise issues, obtain advice, or get information. [1/6 definitions]
taoiseach (Irish; often cap.) the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland.
Winston Churchill a British statesman and author (b.1874--d.1965); prime minister in 1940-45 and 1951-55.
Yalta Conference the February 1945 meeting of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Yalta, Crimea, U.S.S.R.