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intermixture the act of mixing together, or the condition of being so mixed. [2 definitions]
jumbled in a state of confusion or disorder; muddled; mixed-up.
lacquer any of several glossy varnishes made from resin or cellulose and sometimes mixed with a solvent, used as a protective coating for wood and other materials. [1/2 definitions]
Ladino in Spanish-speaking American countries, a person of mixed Spanish and Indian descent; mestizo. [1/2 definitions]
laser a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation").
macadam a surface, such as a road, paved with layers of compressed, broken stone, usu. mixed with tar or asphalt. [1/2 definitions]
manure the waste matter of animals, esp. that of cows and horses, used as a fertilizer. Manure is often mixed with other organic materials such as straw. [1/2 definitions]
mash crushed malt or grain meal mixed with water, as for brewing or distilling alcoholic beverages. [1/5 definitions]
meatloaf a baked loaf of ground meats such as beef, pork, and veal mixed with egg, bread crumbs, and the like.
mestiza in Latin America or the Philippines, a woman of mixed European and native ancestry.
mestizo in Latin America or the Philippines, a man of mixed European and native ancestry.
mingle to become mixed or united with other things. [1/4 definitions]
miscible capable of being mixed together.
mix the act of mixing or condition of being mixed. [2/8 definitions]
mixture the state or condition of being mixed. [1/3 definitions]
mohair a soft yarn or woolly cloth made from this hair, often mixed with cotton. [1/2 definitions]
mongrel something of mixed origins, esp. arising from indiscriminate mixing of inharmonious things. [2/3 definitions]
Montagnard a member of a people of mixed ethnic origins inhabiting the highlands of central Vietnam.
Moor a member of a mixed Arab and Berber Muslim people now living largely in northwestern Africa. [1/3 definitions]
muddler a small stick, usu. plastic, used to stir mixed drinks; swizzle stick. [1/2 definitions]
mulatto a person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. one who has a light brown skin. [1/2 definitions]