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deus ex machina an external character, force, or the like introduced artificially to achieve such a resolution of plot or situation, as in a modern dramatic production. [1/2 definitions]
Eastern Orthodox Church the modern group of Christian churches, such as the Russian and Greek Orthodox, that originated in the Eastern Roman Empire.
Eocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch between the Paleocene and Oligocene of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 54 million to 38 million years ago, when modern mammals became dominant. [1/2 definitions]
Farsi the language of Iran and part of Afghanistan; modern Persian.
future shock the physical or psychological distress caused by the inability to adjust to the many technological changes in modern society.
gavotte a dance, formerly popular esp. in early modern France, similar to but faster than a minuet. [1/2 definitions]
global village the world considered as a single community, made so by modern air travel, mass media, and the like.
Great Vowel Shift a series of shifts in English vowel sounds that took place from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century and changed the vowel system of Middle English into that of Modern English.
Greek the language of ancient Greece, or any of the languages that later evolved from it, including modern Greek. [1/6 definitions]
high-tech a style of design, esp. interior design, or a type of material that suggests modern industry by being metallic or plastic, having simple utilitarian lines, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Holocene of, relating to, or designating the latest geological epoch of the Quaternary Period that includes the present and began approximately 10 thousand years ago, marked by the development of modern human culture; Recent. [1/2 definitions]
Holy Land ancient Palestine, now the site of the modern state of Israel.
hypermodern combined form of modern.
Israeli a native or citizen of modern Israel. [2 definitions]
italic (cap.) a branch of related Indo-European languages that includes Latin and the modern Romance languages. [1/4 definitions]
Ithaca in Greek mythology, the Ionian island home of Odysseus. The modern day location of Odysseus's Ithaca is in dispute.
jazz a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Karl Marx a German political philosopher and economist who founded modern socialism (b.1818--d.1883).
Latin alphabet the alphabet that developed from the Greek, Etruscan, and Roman alphabets and that is the basis of the alphabets of most modern European languages, such as English and French; Roman alphabet.
latter-day of contemporary or modern times.
love feast a modern rite of certain Christian denominations that imitates this feast. [1/3 definitions]