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love feast a modern rite of certain Christian denominations that imitates this feast. [1/3 definitions]
mastodon a very large extinct mammal. Several kinds of mastodons lived in Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America tens of thousands of years ago. The last kind of mastodon became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age. Mammoths and modern elephants may have developed from earlier mastodons.
Maya a member of a modern Indian people who are descendants of this civilization. [1/2 definitions]
Miocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch between the Oligocene and Pliocene of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 26 million to 5 million years ago, when mammals began to acquire modern characteristics. [1/2 definitions]
mod stylishly modern, esp. as regards dress. [3 definitions]
modern one who lives in modern times. [2/4 definitions]
Modern Hebrew the Hebrew language of post-Biblical times, esp. the language of modern Israel.
modernism the tendency to value or adhere to that which is contemporary or modern. [2 definitions]
modernize to make modern; bring up to date. [2 definitions]
Muhammad Ali, pasha of Egypt an Albanian soldier of the Turkish army who established Egypt as a modern state (b.1769?--d.1849).
nation-state the modern autonomous nation, considered as a unit of political organization.
new modern; up-to-date. [1/9 definitions]
New English Bible a translation of the Bible into modern idiomatic English based upon ancient Greek and other sources, that was published between 1961 and 1970.
Olympiad a celebration of the modern Olympic Games; Olympics.
out of date not modern or in fashion.
Palestine a Middle Eastern region on the land of ancient Canaan and modern Israel, including disputed territories on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that are now governed by Israel; Holy Land.
Parsi a member of a Zoroastrian sect in modern India that is descended from Persian Zoroastrians who fled Persia in the seventh and eighth centuries to escape religious persecution. [1/2 definitions]
Piltdown man a skull, found in 1911, believed to represent a species of prehistoric human but shown in 1953 to be a forged composite of modern human and ape bone fragments.
Pleistocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch at the start of the Quaternary Period, from approximately 1.8 million to 10 thousand years ago, when glacial ice was widespread and modern humans first appeared. [1/2 definitions]
pop art a form of modern art that uses subjects from everyday life and the mass media, and adapts techniques of commercial art such as comic strips.
premodern combined form of modern.