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ahead in a position of having progressed more quickly than is necessary or expected. [1/6 definitions]
ahead of making more progress or having more success than. [1/3 definitions]
airfield a level surface, usu. with one or more paved runways, on which aircraft land and take off; airport.
alcohol any of a class of volatile organic compounds derived from hydrocarbons in which one or more hydroxyl groups replace one or more hydrogen atoms of the parent hydrocarbon. [1/3 definitions]
ale a drink, made by fermenting malt, that is heavier and more bitter than beer.
allargando gradually slower and broader, with more weight or power (used as a musical direction).
alleviate to make more bearable; ease.
allotropy the existence of some chemical elements in more than one structural form.
alloy a combined form of two or more metals, or of a metal with a nonmetal, sometimes using an inferior ingredient with a more costly one. [1/5 definitions]
alternate to move back and forth indefinitely between two or more conditions, places, or actions (usu. fol. by "between"). [1/9 definitions]
alternative one of two or more possibilities; option. [3/5 definitions]
amalgamation the act, process, or result of combining two or more, often disparate, things.
ambiguity the condition of having or admitting more than one meaning. [1/3 definitions]
ambiguous having two or more possible meanings or interpretations. [1/2 definitions]
amenity something that makes a place or an occasion more convenient, pleasing, or gracious. [1/3 definitions]
among into portions for each of more than two. [1/5 definitions]
amount the sum of two or more quantities; total. [1/4 definitions]
ample sufficient or more than sufficient in size, capacity, or amount.
amt. abbreviation of "amount," the sum of two or more quantities; total.
analects a collection of selected passages or excerpts from one or more authors.
analogize to show similarities between (two or more things). [1/3 definitions]