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Dictionary Suite
matutinal of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early.
moonflower a kind of morning glory found in tropical America, bearing fragrant large flowers that open at night.
morn morning or dawn.
morning glory any of a variety of usu. twining vines bearing brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers that open in the morning and close by evening.
mornings regularly in or during the morning.
phylactery one of two small leather boxes worn strapped on the left arm and forehead by religious Jewish men during regular morning worship, that contain pieces of parchment bearing passages from Scripture. [1/2 definitions]
prime the earliest time of the morning. [1/17 definitions]
red-eye (informal) an airplane flight that leaves late at night and arrives early the next morning. [1/2 definitions]
reveille a call sounded early in the morning to waken or alert people, esp. a bugle call for troops to assemble.
rush hour a period of peak traffic, usu. in the morning and late afternoon, when many people are on their way to or from work.
Salome a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ who visited his tomb on the morning of his resurrection. [1/2 definitions]
simple sentence a sentence that has only one clause, such as "Early in the morning we waited for the bus".
small hours the early morning hours after midnight.