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mama (informal) mother.
Mary according to the New Testament, the mother of Jesus Christ who, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, remained a perpetual virgin; Virgin Mary.
materfamilias the female head of a household, esp. the mother.
maternal of, relating to, or characteristic of a mother. [1/2 definitions]
maternity the state of being a mother; motherhood. [2/3 definitions]
matri- mother.
matriarchy a social system in which the mother is considered head of the family or other group, and ancestry and descent are reckoned on the mother's side. (Cf. patriarchy.)
matricide the act or an instance of killing one's mother. [2 definitions]
metropolitan of, pertaining to, or designating the mother state of a colony, territory, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
Mnemosyne in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying memory, and mother of the Muses.
mom (informal) mother.
mommy (informal) mother; mama.
mother1 to be the mother of. [1/9 definitions]
mother2 a stringy, slimy substance that grows on the surface of fermenting liquids and is used to change wine or cider into vinegar; mother of vinegar.
mother-in-law the mother of a person's husband or wife.
motherly of, characteristic of, befitting, or like a mother. [2 definitions]
mother of vinegar see "mother2."
mum4 (informal, chiefly British) mother.
nacre a hard, iridescent material lining certain seashells, such as that of the pearl oyster; mother-of-pearl.
natural childbirth childbirth undergone without anesthesia or surgical aid, in preparation for which the expectant mother has often received instruction in the management of pain through breathing and relaxation exercises.
nuclear family a self-contained unit consisting of a father and mother and their children living together in one household. (Cf. extended family.)