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gymnastics (used with a pl. verb) physical exercises used to develop and demonstrate muscular strength, agility, and control, esp. with the aid of special equipment such as the parallel bars, the horse, and the high bar. [1/3 definitions]
husky1 big and strong; muscular. [1/3 definitions]
mesoderm in an embryo, the middle layer of cells from which the skeletal, muscular, connective, and other tissues develop.
mesomorphic of or pertaining to a muscular human body type. (Cf. ectomorphic, endomorphic.)
MS2 abbreviation of "multiple sclerosis," a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells of the brain or spinal cord lose their myelin sheaths, resulting in hardening of the neural tissue, speech difficulties, and loss of muscular coordination.
multiple sclerosis a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells of the brain or spinal cord lose their myelin sheaths, resulting in hardening of the neural tissue, speech difficulties, and loss of muscular coordination.
musculature the muscular system of a body or body part.
myasthenia abnormal muscular weakness.
myocardium the muscular tissue of the heart.
palate the roof of the mouth, which separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and consists of a bony front section and a soft muscular back section. [1/2 definitions]
palsy a muscular condition marked by uncontrolled movements, such as shaking or jerking. [1/3 definitions]
Parkinson's disease a degenerative disease of the nervous system characterized by muscular rigidity and tremors, esp. in the hands and face.
peristalsis a process of muscular contractions and relaxations along a tubular muscular system, such as that which forces food through the digestive system.
physique the overall structure, proportions, muscular development, and appearance of the human body.
pit bull any of the American breeds of muscular terriers that have short hair, a broad skull, and powerful jaws, originally bred for dogfighting.
poliomyelitis a viral disease that strikes mainly in infancy and can cause paralysis, muscular atrophy, deformities, and damage to the nervous system; infantile paralysis; polio.
prostate gland the muscular gland that surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder in male mammals, and that secretes a fluid discharge for sperm.
Rhodesian ridge-back a large, muscular breed of hunting dog developed in southern Africa that has a tan or tannish red coat and a ridge along the spine formed by the hairs growing forward rather than with the rest of the coat.
sinew muscular strength. [1/3 definitions]
snail any of various aquatic or land mollusks that have a spiral shell and a wide, muscular foot which propels them slowly. [1/2 definitions]
squid any of numerous marine animals that have an elongated body, a pair of fins, and ten long muscular tentacles surrounding the mouth. Squid range in size from quite tiny to over forty feet in length.