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Chief Executive (l.c.) a governing head, as of a state or nation. [1/2 definitions]
citizen a person belonging by birth or naturalization to a political and geographic entity, esp. a nation. (Cf. alien). [1/2 definitions]
civil war a war within a nation between opposing political factions or regions. [1/2 definitions]
client a nation that is dependent on or under the patronage of another; client state. [1/3 definitions]
coast guard a comparable organization performing similar tasks for another nation. [1/2 definitions]
cobelligerent a nation not formally allied but cooperating with one or more nations waging war.
coinage the system of metal money used by a government or nation. [1/4 definitions]
colonialism the policy or practices of a nation extending or maintaining control over previously independent territories.
commander in chief (often caps.) the person in charge of all the armed forces of a nation. [1/2 definitions]
commonwealth a political unit, usu. a state or nation, or the people thereof. [1/3 definitions]
constitution the set of basic laws and principles by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed. [1/6 definitions]
containment a government policy, enacted in a variety of ways, that is intended to curb the territorial growth, economic expansion, or ideological influence of a hostile nation. [1/3 definitions]
corpus juris collectively, the laws of a nation or state.
country the people of a nation or state. [1/5 definitions]
crime an act that violates the law of a state, nation, or other entity, and that endangers the public welfare in some way. [1/3 definitions]
denationalize to deprive of the status of sovereign nation. [1/2 definitions]
dependent colony colony in which a majority native population is ruled by a small number of representatives from the controlling nation.
disarm of a nation, to reduce the size of the military forces or arsenal. [1/4 definitions]
East Timor a country in Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the eastern part of the island of Timor, which it shares with the nation of Indonesia.
enemy of or belonging to a hostile military force or to the nation it represents. [1/5 definitions]
eponym an actual or mythical person whose name is the source of the name of a city, nation, era, or the like.