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bird to view birds in their natural surroundings. [1/5 definitions]
bitumen any of various natural substances composed chiefly of hydrocarbons, or such substances distilled from petroleum and coal, used for paving and waterproofing.
breaking point a natural or convenient stopping point. [1/3 definitions]
bridge1 an artificial tooth, or teeth, connected to natural ones. [1/6 definitions]
bring to cause to occur or change by way of persuasion, deliberate force, or natural consequences. [1/3 definitions]
campground a natural area established as a place for camping, often with running water and toilets.
campsite (chiefly British) a natural area established as a place for people to camp, often with running water and toilets; campground. [1/2 definitions]
cap1 a natural cover or top part of something. [1/10 definitions]
caramelize to cook (food containing natural sugar) to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. [1/2 definitions]
caramelized (of a vegetable or other food containing natural sugar) cooked to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup.
carbon black any of various finely divided forms of carbon obtained from the incomplete burning of natural gas or petroleum oil, and used to make ink, pigments, and rubber, and as a filtering agent.
careless effortless; natural. [1/5 definitions]
cataclysm a violent natural event, esp. an upheaval causing a sudden change in the earth's crust, or a great flood. [1/2 definitions]
cave a natural hollow or series of hollows in the earth, esp. one with an opening in a hillside or cliff. [1/4 definitions]
celestial body a natural object found outside earth's atmosphere, such as a planet, moon, star, or asteroid.
chalk a substance derived from natural chalk that is pressed into a stick-like form and used for writing on a blackboard or drawing on pavement. [1/6 definitions]
channel a long, narrow, man-made trench or natural waterway for irrigation, boating, or fishing, or that connects two larger bodies of water. [1/8 definitions]
child one who is considered to be the natural product of particular times or circumstances. [1/5 definitions]
cleave2 to split or separate, esp. along a natural line. [1/6 definitions]
commodities trade the purchase and sale of raw goods, such as agricultural products or materials derived from natural resources, that have uniform value across an economic market, as opposed to the purchase and sale of services or branded products.
complexion the natural hue, appearance, and condition of the skin, esp. of the face. [1/2 definitions]