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Dictionary Suite
pea jacket a short double-breasted coat made of thick navy blue wool, originally worn by sailors.
sailor an enlisted man in the navy, whose duty is aboard a ship. [1/3 definitions]
Seabee a member of the Civil Engineer Corps of the U.S. Navy that constructs harbor facilities, airfields, and the like (acronym for "Construction Battalion").
Sealab one of a number of exploratory underwater laboratories, developed by the U.S. Navy, where research in oceanography and marine biology is conducted.
seaman a rank in the U.S. Navy below petty officer. [1/2 definitions]
shore patrol those members of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, or Marines that are designated as military police on shore.
SP abbreviation of "Shore Patrol," those members of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, or Marines that are designated as military police on shore.
Spanish Armada a Spanish fleet of warships, sent in 1588 to conquer England, which was thoroughly defeated by the English navy.
spoliation the act or practice of seizing others' goods, such as the plundering of neutral ships by the navy of a warring nation. [1/2 definitions]
staff officer in the U.S. Navy, a commissioned officer who performs nonmilitary duties, such as a surgeon or chaplain. [1/2 definitions]
sublieutenant in the British navy and certain other armed forces, an officer ranking immediately below a lieutenant, or the rank of such an officer.
surgeon general the highest officer in the medical department of the U.S. Army, Navy, or Air Force. [1/2 definitions]
USN abbreviation of "United States Navy."
yeoman in the U.S. Navy, a petty officer performing chiefly clerical duties. [1/6 definitions]