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displeasing causing dissatisfaction, disappointment, annoyance, or other negative reaction.
do1 used to emphasize the affirmative quality of the main verb and to counter a negative perception or possibility. [2/13 definitions]
double negative the use of two negative words in one sentence, considered substandard when intended to express a single negation.
drawback an impediment to the success or desirability of something; negative feature; flaw.
either as well as; also; in the like manner; similarly (used to emphasize negative statements). [1/5 definitions]
electronegative having a negative electric charge. [1/2 definitions]
El Niño an unusually warm Pacific Ocean current that develops near the International Date Line in the center of the ocean and flows east toward Peru and then south along the coast of South America. El Niño events, which occur every two to seven years approximately, are associated with various negative impacts including damage to the livelihoods of those dependent on fishing and disturbance to regional and global weather patterns, which in turn can increase the incidence of disease and the frequency of destructive weather events.
enlarge to produce (a photographic print) bigger than the negative. [1/5 definitions]
exception an objection or negative criticism, as regarding a particular point. [1/4 definitions]
exposé the public exposure or revelation of something negative, such as personal secrets or illegal activities.
film noir a kind of film, made esp. during the 1940s and 1950s, that depicted a negative, cynical view of life, often focusing on crime and vice in cities.
give (someone) a break to refrain from giving (someone) a punishment or negative consequence, although such punishment or consequence would normally be expected. [1/3 definitions]
had better used to state that a certain action is strongly advised and, often, to express that if one does not do the action that is specified, there will be negative consequences (sometimes used in warnings and threats).
hear of to listen with agreement or consent (used only in the negative). [1/2 definitions]
help to avoid or refrain from (usu. prec. by "can't," "cannot," or other negative expression). [1/13 definitions]
hill of beans (informal) something insignificant or barely worth consideration (used in negative constructions).
hiss to communicate (a negative feeling), or express disapproval of (something) by making a prolonged sound like an "s." [1/4 definitions]
hold a brief for to support or defend, as with words (usu. used in the negative).
hunger the condition of having insufficient food to eat and the resulting negative effects on health. [1/5 definitions]
integer a positive or negative whole number or zero; a whole number as opposed to a fraction.
ion an atom, group of atoms, or molecule that bears a positive electric charge as a result of electron loss or a negative charge as a result of electron gain. [1/2 definitions]