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kuru a fatal viral disease that affects the nervous system, occurring in New Guinea.
learning disability any of various conditions, thought to be associated with the nervous system, that cause difficulty in mastering a basic skill such as reading.
mad cow disease a fatal disease that affects the nervous system of cattle; bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
meth abbreviation of "methamphetamine"; a white crystalline drug derived from amphetamine that is a strong stimulant of the nervous system.
methamphetamine a white crystalline drug derived from amphetamine that is a strong stimulant of the nervous system.
MS2 abbreviation of "multiple sclerosis," a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells of the brain or spinal cord lose their myelin sheaths, resulting in hardening of the neural tissue, speech difficulties, and loss of muscular coordination.
multiple sclerosis a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells of the brain or spinal cord lose their myelin sheaths, resulting in hardening of the neural tissue, speech difficulties, and loss of muscular coordination.
nerve gas any poisonous gas that attacks the nervous system.
neural of or relating to the nervous system or a nerve. [1/2 definitions]
neuro- nerve; nervous system. [1/2 definitions]
neurobiological pertaining to nervous system biology, or to the study of this biology.
neurobiology the scientific study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
neurodegenerative pertaining to or characterized by degeneration of the nervous system.
neuroimaging the branch of medicine that deals with producing images of the brain and nervous system; brain imaging. [2 definitions]
neurological of or pertaining to the nervous system or to the diseases that affect it.
neurology the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system and diseases that affect it.
neuropathy any disease or irregularity of the nervous system.
neuropsychiatry a branch of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of disorders of both the mind and the nervous system.
neuropsychological of or pertaining to the relationship between the nervous system and behavior, or to the field of neuropsychology.
neuropsychologist a person who studies the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
neuropsychology the branch of psychology dealing with the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.