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creak to make, or move with, a grating or squeaking noise, as a chair under the stress of a person's weight. [1/3 definitions]
creaky making or likely to make a creaking noise. [1/2 definitions]
crinkly of a noise, softly rustling and crackling. [1/4 definitions]
croaker any drumfish that makes a croaking or grunting noise. [1/2 definitions]
crunch to chew with a crackling noise; crush by biting. [1/6 definitions]
cry to utter a loud noise such as a shout or yell (sometimes fol. by "out"). [1/11 definitions]
deafen to stun with loud noise. [1/2 definitions]
din noise, esp. loud, confused, or dissonant noise. [1/4 definitions]
disturb to bother or interrupt by making noise or causing distraction. [1/3 definitions]
drown to lessen the perceived loudness of with a louder noise (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
explode to release energy forcefully with noise, heat, and the violent expansion of gases, because of rapid chemical change or sudden violent impact. [1/7 definitions]
explosion an act or instance of bursting or violent release of energy, or the noise made thereby. [1/3 definitions]
feedback in an audio system, a whistling or screeching noise made when the output signal is picked up at the input. [1/6 definitions]
fire alarm a device that gives off a noise to signal that a fire is occurring. [1/2 definitions]
fireworks (sometimes used with a sing. verb) devices that burn or explode to produce noise, bright light, or a brilliant display of colors. [1/3 definitions]
gabble to make a rapid cackling or quacking noise, as geese or ducks do. [1/5 definitions]
grate2 to make a sharp rasping noise, as of scraping. [1/5 definitions]
grind a harsh-sounding noise produced by friction. [1/12 definitions]
grit to make a grating or grinding noise, as if by scratching with grit. [1/7 definitions]
gurgle to make a noise like a gurgling flow of liquid. [1/4 definitions]
guttural a guttural noise or a letter representing a guttural speech sound. [1/4 definitions]