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Hellenistic pertaining to non-Greeks of the ancient period who adopted Greek customs, language, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
invasive species a non-native species of plant or animal that spreads aggressively in new areas and forces out native plants and animals.
James Farmer American civil rights activist and strong believer in non-violent protest against injustice. Farmer was an initiator of the Freedom Rides in the early 1960s, which served to highlight and challenge racial segregation and discrimination in the U.S. (b.1920--d. 1999).
laminar flow the regular and non-turbulent movement of a layer of liquid near a solid boundary. (Cf. turbulent flow.)
magnetic resonance imaging a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.(abbrev.: MRI)
manhood suffrage within a nation, the right of all adult men to vote regardless of their status. In the United States in the nineteenth century, the movement within individual states toward manhood suffrage sought to guarantee that poor and propertyless white men would not be denied the vote. This movement succeeded in its particular aims but did nothing to ensure the right to vote for non-whites. Although the Fifteenth Amendment was passed after the Civil War to prevent states from denying the right to vote to anyone based on race, manhood suffrage continued to be denied to non-white adult males in many states.
MRI abbreviation of "magnetic resonance imaging," a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.
naproxin a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), sold under the brand name Aleve, that relieves fever, pain, swelling and stiffness.
NSAID a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
opioid epidemic a rapid increase in the use of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs, beginning in the late 1990s and continuing into the early decades of the 2000s.
pagan a person outside of accepted Western religious orthodoxies, such as a non-Christian, non-Jew, or non-Muslim; heathen. [1/6 definitions]
peacebuilding actions that promote peace between nations by supporting conditions that underlie peaceful social relations. Peacebuilding includes rebuilding the material and social institutions that are undermined or destroyed by violent conflict. Peacebuilding efforts offer non-violent alternatives for communication and conflict resolution.
permanent resident a legal status granted to non-citizens of the U.S. who have met certain requirements of the Immigration Service, allowing them to live and work permanently in the U.S. and to enter the country without a visa.
PFAS acronym for perflouroalkyl and polyflouroalkyl substances. Such chemical substances are used in a vast number of products and applications such as non-stick coatings for cookware, cleaning products, wire insulation, clothing, and food packaging. Some are known to be toxic, and, as a group, they are considered at least potentially harmful to human and animal health. They are also considered an environmental pollutant, as they can take thousands of years to break down, earning the the appellation "forever chemicals."
Philistine a member of a non-Semitic people of Philistia who repeatedly warred with the ancient Hebrews. [1/4 definitions]
poster a large temporary sign made of sturdy paper or cardboard posted in a public place for advertising or displaying information, or a similar sign or artistic print used for decoration in a home or other non-public place.
preserve to prevent decay in (a non-living body or plant). [1/8 definitions]
priest in ancient times or in non-Western cultures, an often hereditary religious leader who offered sacrifices to the gods or was credited with magical powers. [1/3 definitions]
prop1 something that provides support or stability by non-physical means. [1/4 definitions]
Prot. abbreviation of "Protestant," any Christian, esp. in the West, who belongs to a non-Catholic church. [1/2 definitions]
Protestant any Christian, esp. in the West, who belongs to a non-Catholic church. [1/3 definitions]