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Jabberwocky in the nineteenth-century tale Through the Looking Glass, a poem containing many nonsense words. [1/2 definitions]
koan in Zen Buddhism, a nonsense question or paradox used as an aid to meditation in order to encourage a greater awareness of reality.
malarkey (informal) exaggeration or foolishness; nonsense.
moonshine (informal) foolishness; nonsense. [1/3 definitions]
poppycock (informal) nonsense or foolishness.
rave to speak irrationally, without control; talk nonsense, as in delirium. [1/3 definitions]
rigmarole a long, rambling, confused, or senseless story; nonsense. [1/2 definitions]
rot (informal) pointless or foolish talk; nonsense. [2/12 definitions]
rubbish worthless or foolish talk or writing; nonsense. [2/3 definitions]
scat2 improvisational jazz singing in which nonsense syllables are used instead of words, often with the effect of an instrument rather than a voice. [2 definitions]
shit (slang) lies; nonsense. [1/11 definitions]
sweet nothings (informal) whispered, often nonsense words or phrases of affection, such as those exchanged by lovers.
tommyrot (informal) foolishness; utter nonsense; rubbish.
trumpery nonsense or foolishness. [1/3 definitions]