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Orson Welles U.S. actor, screenwriter, producer, and critically acclaimed motion picture director who first gained national recognition for his role in the 1938 radio broadcast adaptation of H.G. Wells's novel, The War of the Worlds (b.1915--d.1985).
Orwellian of, concerning, or resembling George Orwell, his work, or esp. the totalitarian regime portrayed in his novel 1984.
personae the characters in a play, novel, opera, or other work of fiction; dramatis personae.
plot1 the story line or sequence of events in a novel, play, or the like. [2/6 definitions]
Pollyanna in an early twentieth-century novel by Eleanor H. Porter, the heroine and title character, who is always happy and optimistic. [1/2 definitions]
potboiler (informal) a low-quality, sensationalistic novel, film, or the like, produced to make money.
Robinson Crusoe in an eighteenth-century novel by Daniel Defoe, the title character, who is shipwrecked and survives for many years on a tropical island.
roman a modern novel. [1/2 definitions]
roman à clef novel with a key (French); a fictionalized account of actual people and events.
romance a love affair, or a depiction of one in a novel, story, or film. [1/7 definitions]
roman-fleuve stream-novel (French); a long novel, often in several volumes, that follows the story of a family, group, or the like over several generations.
SARS-coV-2 abbreviation of "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2," the scientific name for the novel coronavirus which first appeared in 2019 and causes the disease Covid-19.
scene the location or setting of a story, as in a poem, play, or novel. [1/8 definitions]
seriocomic serious and comical at the same time, as a novel or play.
Simon Legree in the mid-nineteenth-century novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a cruel overseer and slave dealer. [1/2 definitions]
Stephen Crane U.S. journalist and writer, acclaimed for his novel The Red Badge of Courage, (b.1871--d.1900).
story1 a work of fiction that is shorter and less complex than a novel; short story. [1/7 definitions]
Tom Sawyer a novel by Mark Twain published in 1876. [2 definitions]
Uncle Tom the title character in Uncle Tom's Cabin, a mid-nineteenth century novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom is a black slave whose religious beliefs move him to forgive his oppressors. [1/2 definitions]
Yahoo in the eighteenth-century novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, one of a race of brutish, degraded, humanlike creatures. [1/3 definitions]