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Dictionary Suite
ball1 a round or oval object, either hollow or solid and commonly used in sports and games. [1/7 definitions]
baseball a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, the object being to score runs by advancing runners around four bases. [1/2 definitions]
bayonet a pin protruding from an object such as a flashbulb or lens that secures that object to its socket. [1/3 definitions]
beach to pull or drive (a boat or other object) from the water onto the beach or shore. [1/2 definitions]
bead a small, generally round object, usu. made of glass, wood, or the like with a hole through its center for stringing to make necklaces or for decorating clothing. [2/8 definitions]
bean any other beanlike seed or object. [2/5 definitions]
believe to feel with some confidence; suppose (usu. fol. by a clause serving as object). [1/6 definitions]
bell a hollow metal cup, often of bronze, which makes a ringing sound when struck by a hard object such as a clapper. [1/4 definitions]
benefit an object, service, or sum of money that enhances well-being; aid. [1/5 definitions]
bibelot a small curio or trinket, usu. kept or displayed as a decorative object.
blackboard eraser an object made of bound layers of felt used for erasing chalk from a blackboard.
blacking a substance that is applied to an object to make it black.
blob an indistinct shape or object. [1/3 definitions]
blow1 a quick, forcible hit by the fist or by a hard object. [1/3 definitions]
bob2 a small heavy object that hangs, as at the end of a plumb line. [2/5 definitions]
bobber a bouyant object that can be attached to a fishing line, which alerts one to the presence of a fish at the bait.
bobble to execute (something) incorrectly or fumble an object, such as a ball. [1/2 definitions]
bomb to throw or drop an explosive object on. [1/8 definitions]
brass an object or objects made of such an alloy. [1/6 definitions]
brazier2 a similar object with a grill on the top, used for cooking meat. [1/2 definitions]
brick any object resembling a brick. [1/6 definitions]