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evade to avoid or fail to fulfill (an obligation, law, or the like). [1/5 definitions]
excuse to release from obligation; exempt. [1/11 definitions]
exempt to release from an obligation generally required of others. [3 definitions]
exemption the act of exempting or condition of being exempted; freedom from an obligation, rule, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ex gratia (Latin) as a favor, and carrying no legal obligation.
exonerate to release from a task or obligation. [1/2 definitions]
expect to consider (someone) under obligation to do something, or to consider (something) obligatory; require. [1/6 definitions]
feasance in law, doing that which is a duty, condition, obligation, or the like.
freewheeling (informal) free of restraint or obligation; independent, carefree, or irresponsible. [1/2 definitions]
grace period extra time allowed after a specified date or term has passed, during which an obligation, such as the repayment of a debt or the return of something borrowed, may be fulfilled without penalty.
guarantee an assurance or pledge regarded as security that some obligation will be met. [3/11 definitions]
guaranty an agreement, assurance, or pledge regarded as security for an obligation; surety. [4/5 definitions]
humanitarian of or pertaining to the ethical doctrine that the improvement and welfare of humankind is one's primary obligation. [1/3 definitions]
immunity the state or an instance of not being subject to a common liability or specific obligation. [1/2 definitions]
imperative something that is necessary or very important; obligation; need. [1/6 definitions]
irremissible not subject to delay or postponement, as an obligation. [1/2 definitions]
legality a rule or obligation required by the law. [1/3 definitions]
liability (usu. pl.) financial obligation; debts. [1/3 definitions]
lien a legal claim on a piece of property when the current owner is in default on a debt or obligation.
lookout a matter of care, concern, or obligation. [1/4 definitions]
loose to release from constraint or obligation; let loose. [1/15 definitions]