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fieldwork scientific research, exploration, or observation conducted in the field rather than the laboratory or classroom. [1/2 definitions]
hands-on of or pertaining to active participation, as distinguished from mere observation or study.
hearsay evidence evidence usu. not admissible in court because the witness has not obtained it by personal observation or experience, but by hearing it from others.
information knowledge or facts that come from investigation, observation, or study. [1/4 definitions]
instrument landing a landing accomplished only by means of the instruments of an aircraft and signals from the ground, rather than by visual observation.
know perceive directly or be aware of something through learning or observation. [1/7 definitions]
logical positivism a movement in philosophy that views philosophy as a way of analyzing and criticizing science, and that holds that all statements not based on observation, experience, or the rules of language are meaningless.
notice attention; observation. [1/7 definitions]
obiter dictum an incidental remark or passing observation. [1/2 definitions]
observance the process or an instance of watching; observation. [1/4 definitions]
observe to watch closely or make a systematic observation of. [1/10 definitions]
observer a military person who watches from an observation post or an airplane. [1/2 definitions]
radio astronomy the study of the universe by observation and analysis of extraterrestrial radio waves.
remark to make a comment, observation, or statement (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/4 definitions]
science systematic observation and testing of natural phenomena in a search for general laws and conclusive evidence. [1/3 definitions]
scientific requiring or demonstrating systematic knowledge and skills, exactness in observation and testing, and keen but dispassionate interest in the truths of nature. [1/2 definitions]
searching penetrating in observation. [1/2 definitions]
Sherlock Holmes a fictional detective hero in many late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century short stories and novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is described as having extraordinary powers of observation and deduction. [1/2 definitions]
sighting an act or instance of seeing, esp. the observation of something unusual or sought after.
solar eclipse an eclipse of the sun, when, at a particular observation point, light from the sun is blocked by the interposition of the moon.
strike to come into the mind of (one) as a thought, idea, or observation; to occur to. [1/31 definitions]