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odd a thing that is odd. [1/7 definitions]
oddity the state or characteristic of being odd; strangeness. [1/2 definitions]
office boy a boy or young man employed to run errands and do other odd jobs for an office.
off-year election in the U.S., an election that occurs during an odd-numbered year, typically at the municipal level and not featuring any candidates for a national office. [1/2 definitions]
old maid a card game in which all the cards except one can be matched in pairs, the loser being the player left holding the odd card. [1/3 definitions]
outlandish strikingly unusual, odd, or bizarre.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual. [1/3 definitions]
peculiarity the state or fact of being odd or strange. [2/3 definitions]
queer strange, unusual, or unexpected; eccentric; odd. [1/4 definitions]
quiddity an odd characteristic of something or someone; eccentricity. [1/2 definitions]
quirk an odd personal trait; idiosyncrasy. [1/3 definitions]
quizzical strange; unusual; eccentric; odd. [1/3 definitions]
screwy odd, eccentric, or unbalanced. [1/2 definitions]
strange unusual; curious; odd. [1/3 definitions]
tramp one who travels on foot with no fixed destination, esp. one who lives by begging or doing odd jobs; vagabond. [1/11 definitions]
trick an odd or unusual behavioral habit; mannerism. [2/13 definitions]
trip (slang) a particularly exciting, odd, or fascinating experience or person. [1/18 definitions]
twist a peculiarity or odd mannerism. [1/19 definitions]
uneven of a number, odd. [1/5 definitions]
wacky (slang) odd, eccentric, or crazy.
weird strange, odd, or unconventional; puzzlingly unusual. [1/2 definitions]