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here used to gain attention, offer assistance, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
hire out to offer one's services for a fee.
hold good to remain valid (used esp. in reference to an offer, guarantee, promise, or the like).
hold out to have or offer (hope, or a chance or possibility of something happening). [1/3 definitions]
immolate to kill or offer as a sacrifice, esp. by burning.
inert without ability to move, act, or offer resistance. [1/3 definitions]
kibitz (informal) to chatter or offer unwanted advice, esp. during a card game.
long shot any attempt or venture that has only a small chance of success but will offer great rewards if it does succeed. [1/3 definitions]
look down on to offer a downward view of. [1/2 definitions]
look out on to face; offer a view of (something).
nag1 to make continual complaints or criticisms; relentlessly offer unsolicited advice. [1/6 definitions]
nerve to offer or give courage and strength to. [1/6 definitions]
nibble (informal) an indication of interest, as in an offer. [1/8 definitions]
offering the act or process of making an offer. [1/4 definitions]
outbid to make a higher bid or offer than (another).
overture to offer as an overture. [1/4 definitions]
passive tending to offer no resistance; submissive; compliant. [1/6 definitions]
peacebuilding actions that promote peace between nations by supporting conditions that underlie peaceful social relations. Peacebuilding includes rebuilding the material and social institutions that are undermined or destroyed by violent conflict. Peacebuilding efforts offer non-violent alternatives for communication and conflict resolution.
peddle to offer (goods) for sale on the street or from door to door. [2/3 definitions]
picture window a large window, often found in a living room, that is intended to offer a broad, framed view of the outside.
ply1 to offer something to (someone) repeatedly, esp. as a means of persuasion. [1/6 definitions]