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ply1 to offer something to (someone) repeatedly, esp. as a means of persuasion. [1/6 definitions]
preach to offer advice in a self-righteous or annoying way, esp. on religious or moral issues. [1/4 definitions]
proffer to propose or tender; offer. [2 definitions]
proposal an offer of or request for marriage. [1/3 definitions]
prostitute to offer the sexual services of (oneself or another) for money. [1/4 definitions]
put in to formally submit (an offer, application, declaration, or the like). [1/7 definitions]
put up to offer, display, or put forward (effort, resistance, or the like). [2/11 definitions]
raffle to offer or award as a prize in a raffle (often fol. by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
rain check a postponement of an accepted invitation or offer, esp. an assurance to a customer that a sale item that is sold out can be purchased later at the reduced price. [1/2 definitions]
reach out to offer help or guidance. [1/4 definitions]
render to give or offer, especially in order to help or assist. [1/7 definitions]
review to offer a critical survey of (an article, book, or the like). [1/11 definitions]
sell to offer for purchase. [1/9 definitions]
serve to offer or provide food or drink; work as a waiter or waitress. [3/16 definitions]
shall used to express an offer or suggestion (used only with the subjects "we" and "I"). [1/3 definitions]
stalemate any situation in which a further action, offer, or the like is impossible or unlikely; deadlock. [1/4 definitions]
streamline to make or alter so as to offer minimum resistance to currents or movement. [1/4 definitions]
streamlined of a contour or surface, designed to offer minimum resistance when moving through air or water. [1/2 definitions]
submit to offer for consideration. [1/7 definitions]
teach to offer instruction in. [1/7 definitions]
tender2 to offer. [1/4 definitions]