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Dictionary Suite
cockade a rosette or knot of ribbon worn esp. on a hat as a badge of rank, office, or the like.
constitute to nominate or appoint to a function or office. [1/4 definitions]
consulate the position or term of office of a consul. [1/2 definitions]
copy desk a desk in a newspaper office where copy is edited and prepared for typesetting, and where headlines are composed.
crosier a staff topped by a crook or cross, borne by or before an abbot, bishop, or archbishop as a sign of his office.
cubicle any very small room or partitioned space, as in an office or dormitory.
curacy the position, duties, or term in office of a curate.
customhouse a government office or building, usu. at a seaport, where customs on imports are collected and ships are cleared to enter or leave port.
-cy office; rank. [1/3 definitions]
dead letter a letter that the post office is unable to deliver or return, usu. because of an incorrect address or the lack of a return address. [1/2 definitions]
dean a college or university official, responsible for administering a department or office of the institution. [1/4 definitions]
defenestration the sudden firing or expulsion of a politician from office or from his or her political party. [1/2 definitions]
defrock to strip or deprive of the rights, rank, authority, and functions of a particular office or profession, esp. that of priest; unfrock.
degrade to bring (someone) down from a higher to a lower rank, degree, status, or the like, esp. to deprive of a position, title, or office. [1/8 definitions]
dental hygienist a licensed specialist in preventive dental care, whose practice includes cleaning and x-rays, and who often works in a dentist's office.
depose to deprive of rank or office, esp. from an important position such as that of king. [1/3 definitions]
deposition the taking away of a rank or office, esp. an important office. [1/3 definitions]
designation a nomination for or appointment to office. [1/3 definitions]
desk a specialized department of an organization, esp. of a newspaper office. [1/3 definitions]
diaconate the rank, tenure, or office of a deacon. [1/2 definitions]
dictatorship the office or term of a dictator. [1/2 definitions]