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Ens. abbreviation of "Ensign," in the U.S. Coast Guard or Navy, one who is a commissioned officer of the lowest rank (used in a proper name).
ensign the lowest rank of an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard or Navy. [1/2 definitions]
equerry an officer in charge of the horses of a royal or noble family. [2 definitions]
executive officer in the military, an officer who is assistant to the commanding officer of a unit, or who is second in command of a unit smaller than a division. [1/2 definitions]
false arrest the illegal restraint or detention of a person by another who claims to have legal authority, usu. a police officer.
field marshal a military officer of the highest or next to highest rank in the armies of certain European countries.
field officer a military officer with the rank of colonel, lieutenant colonel, or major.
first lieutenant a commissioned officer of the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines, ranking below a captain and above a second lieutenant.
first mate the officer of a merchant ship second in rank to the captain; mate.
first sergeant the senior noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines who is responsible for personnel and administration of a company, squadron, or other unit.
flag officer a naval or coast guard officer above the rank of captain, who is entitled to have a special flag displayed when he or she is aboard ship.
flagship in a group of naval vessels, the ship in which the commanding officer is stationed, or the principal one of any group of ships. [1/2 definitions]
fleet admiral the highest rank for a U.S. naval officer, created and conferred only during World War II.
Gen. abbreviation of "General," an officer of high military rank in the U.S. and other armed forces.
gendarme a police officer, esp. in France. [1/2 definitions]
general an officer of high rank in the military. [1/3 definitions]
general officer any military officer who ranks above colonel.
general of the army the highest ranking officer in the U.S. Army during World War II. (Cf. fleet admiral.)
gunner a naval warrant officer specializing in guns, missiles, and other ordnance. [1/2 definitions]
gunnery sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a noncommissioned officer ranking below a master or first sergeant and above a staff sergeant.
information in law, a charge against a person that is presented by a public officer, as opposed to an indictment by a grand jury. [1/4 definitions]