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affair a love relationship, often an illicit one. [1/6 definitions]
affect2 to imitate, often in a pretentious manner; feign.
affection (often pl.) emotion, esp. love. [1/2 definitions]
affiliate to become closely connected (often fol. by "with"). [1/4 definitions]
Afro of or pertaining to Africa (often used in combination). [2 definitions]
agitate to arouse, or attempt to arouse, public support (often fol. by "for" or "against"). [1/3 definitions]
agonize to expend great mental or physical effort, often with anxiety. [1/4 definitions]
agony intense and often prolonged physical or mental suffering. [1/3 definitions]
agree to have the same opinion (often fol. by "with," "on," "as to," or "about"). [4/6 definitions]
aim to strive toward a particular goal (often followed by an infinitive or "at"). [1/8 definitions]
alabaster a dense, fine-grained gypsum, often white and translucent, that is often carved for ornaments and figurines. [1/5 definitions]
alarmism the issuing of warnings or alarms that are often needless.
albacore a variety of tuna found in warm to temperate waters, and often canned for human consumption.
alchemy (often pl.) a magical power or process of transmutation. [1/2 definitions]
a little sometimes, but not extremely often. [1/5 definitions]
all-American (often cap.) an individual selected as a member of a hypothetical team of the best U.S. players in a particular sport. [1/5 definitions]
alley2 a large, special playing marble that is often used as a shooter.
aloe vera the juice of this plant, often added to lotions, cosmetics, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
along in close proximity; as a companion (often fol. by "with"). [1/5 definitions]
a lot often. [1/2 definitions]
Alsatian one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; German shepherd.