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steeple a tall, narrow tower on top of a building. A steeple often has a pointed spire.
sugar to add sugar to or sprinkle sugar on top of. [1/8 definitions]
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
superincumbent lying or resting on top of something else. [1/3 definitions]
table saw a circular saw positioned beneath a table so that its blade projects above the surface, allowing it to cut objects placed on top of the table.
table tennis a game like outdoor tennis but played on top of a large table. In table tennis, small, wooden paddles and a small, hollow ball are used.
tamp to pack (a hole drilled for blasting) with earth, sand, or the like on top of the explosive. [1/2 definitions]
widget in computing, an application or program that performs the limited function of giving easy access to specific types of information or functionality. A widget often floats on top of a web page that is already opened. [1/2 definitions]