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Dictionary Suite
hazard the operation of chance or accident in events. [1/6 definitions]
housecleaning the act or process of improving conditions, as in a business or corporation, with regard to personnel, methods of operation, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
inactivate to render inactive or unable to function or spread; halt the activity or operation of.
in effect in active operation. [1/2 definitions]
inspector general an investigative officer within a government organization, whose duty is to report on the operation of that organization.
institute to establish or set in operation. [1/5 definitions]
intendant a government manager or superintendent of some public operation or office.
interface the point at which the operation of different systems or the interests of different groups overlap. [1/7 definitions]
jaw (pl.) anything that suggests the operation of jaws or the action of seizing. [1/5 definitions]
job (informal) an operation using plastic surgery, done for the purpose of enhancing appearance. [1/11 definitions]
keratectomy a surgical operation in which all or part of the cornea is removed.
lame impaired or defective in movement or operation, esp. because of soreness. [1/4 definitions]
laryngectomy an operation in which all or part of the larynx is removed.
library science the study of library organization, operation, services, and management.
load in engineering, resistance to mechanical operation. [1/17 definitions]
logistics the planning and implementing of the details of any operation. [1/2 definitions]
machinist a person who is skilled in the operation, repair, or building of machines.
mental of or pertaining to the operation of the mind. [1/4 definitions]
monitor a device for observing or recording continuous data about the function, operation, or condition of something, esp. a device that gives warning of an abnormal or potentially dangerous condition. [1/11 definitions]
motorman a person responsible for the operation of a motor. [1/2 definitions]
mouse in computer operation, a small hand-held device that can be moved on wheels or ball bearings on a surface to move the cursor on a screen, or that can be moved along the lines of a drawing to reproduce the drawing on a screen. [1/5 definitions]