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carotene a reddish orange hydrocarbon pigment produced in orange, yellow, and dark green plant parts, and required in human nutrition as a source of vitamin A.
carrot a plant cultivated for its edible orange root. [2/3 definitions]
celandine a plant of the poppy family that has deeply divided leaves, yellow flowers, and a yellow-orange fluid in its stem. [1/2 definitions]
Chinese lantern plant a perennial plant grown for its orange, lantern-shaped, inflated seed casings; winter ground cherry.
Chinese red a bright orange-red color.
cinnabar a bright red or reddish orange color; vermilion. [1/2 definitions]
citrus any of various trees and shrubs cultivated in warm climates for their thick-skinned, juicy fruit, such as the orange, lemon, and grapefruit. [1/4 definitions]
citrusy like citrus, esp. like the citrus fruits lemon, lime,or orange.
Curaçao (l.c.) an orange-flavored liqueur that originated on this island. [1/2 definitions]
devil's paintbrush a common perennial weed found in Europe and North America that bears a cluster of orange-red flowers atop a leafless stalk.
dichromate a chemical compound that contains two chromium atoms per molecule, characterized by an orange-red color; bichromate.
dragon tree a tree of the agave family with sword-shaped leaves and orange fruit, one source of dragon's blood.
fire opal an opal having vibrant red, yellow, or orange flares of color.
fly agaric a poisonous mushroom with an orange or reddish cap and white gills.
French dressing in the United States, a bright orange, creamy salad dressing that is made commercially. [1/2 definitions]
gamboge a yellowish orange color. [1/2 definitions]
Gila monster a large poisonous lizard of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, with a stubby tail and scaly rings of black and orange, yellow, or pink covering its skin.
glögg a hot Swedish punch made of red wine, sherry, brandy, sugar, and spices, garnished with orange peel, almonds, and raisins.
goldfish a small, usu. orange or yellow freshwater fish bred in numerous varieties and often kept in ponds or aquariums.
Indian paintbrush any of several herbs of the southwestern United States that bear bright orange or red spiky flowers.
jacinth a reddish orange zircon or similar mineral, used as a gemstone. [2 definitions]