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clavier the keyboard of a piano, harpsichord, organ, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
clitoris a small, sensitive erectile organ of the female genitals, somewhat corresponding to the penis in the male.
congest in pathology, to cause an excessive accumulation of blood in (an organ or vessel). [1/3 definitions]
congestion in pathology, an excessive accumulation of blood in an organ or vessel. [1/3 definitions]
console2 the desklike part of an organ, containing the pedals, keyboards, and other controls. [1/3 definitions]
constrictor a muscle that constricts a cavity of the body or compresses an organ. [1/3 definitions]
coronary pertaining to blood vessels encircling any organ like a crown. [1/5 definitions]
cortex the outer layer of an organ or other body part such as the kidney or the adrenal gland. [1/3 definitions]
coupler a device in an organ or harpsichord connecting two keyboards or two keys an octave apart so that they may be played together. [1/2 definitions]
craw the digestive organ of a lower animal. [1/2 definitions]
crop a pouch in the esophagus of a bird, in which food is stored and prepared for digestion, or a similar digestive organ in lower animals such as insects and earthworms. [1/12 definitions]
decorticate to remove the cortex from (an organ). [1/2 definitions]
diageotropic of, relating to, or being a plant organ that grows at a right angle to the line of gravity.
diapason either of the two major stops of a pipe organ. [1/3 definitions]
dilatation in medicine, the state or condition of abnormal enlargement of an organ, cavity, or canal of the body.
dilation the process of enlarging an organ such as the cervix or the pupil of the eye. [1/2 definitions]
diverticulitis painful inflammation of a sac that branches off from a hollow organ, esp. the intestine.
diverticulum a tubular pouch or sac that branches out from a body canal, organ, or cavity, occurring as a normal or abnormal growth.
donor one who contributes blood, tissue, or an organ for medical purposes, such as a transfusion or transplant. [1/2 definitions]
dorsal of, upon, near, or related to the back, as an organ or part of an animal. (Cf. ventral.) [1/2 definitions]
dorsum the upper or back part of an organ or appendage. [1/2 definitions]