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Dictionary Suite
family any group of things related in form, function, or origin. [1/8 definitions]
folk etymology a change made in a word or phrase according to a false notion as to its origin or derivation.
fountain a source or origin. [1/2 definitions]
fountainhead a spring in which a stream has its origin. [2 definitions]
from used to identify the origin or source. [1/5 definitions]
-genesis production; origin.
genesis the beginning or origin of something. [1/2 definitions]
genetic of or concerning the beginning or origin of something. [1/3 definitions]
-genous having (such) an origin. [1/2 definitions]
-geny origin; production; generation.
geomorphology the study of the origin, development, and configuration of topographic forms.
hail from to have as one's place of origin or residence; come from.
happi coat a smock of Japanese origin, worn belted with a narrow sash.
hibachi a small, charcoal-burning grill of Japanese origin for cooking food.
hillbilly (informal) a person who comes from a remote rural area, esp. from the mountainous region of the southern United States; often, a person considered to be primitive or backward because of this residence or origin. [1/2 definitions]
Hispanic Spanish or of Spanish descent or origin. [2/3 definitions]
histogen cells that are the origin of new tissue, such as cambium in plant stems and roots.
homogenous having a similar structure because of developing from the same origin.
homograph a word that has the same spelling as another but a different origin and meaning.
homologous corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin.
import to bring in from an outside origin, esp. to bring in (merchandise) from a foreign country. [1/7 definitions]