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Dictionary Suite
open any clear, extensive space, esp. the outdoors (often prec. by "the"). [1/27 definitions]
open-air being, done, or occurring outdoors.
open air the outdoors.
out outdoors, or away to a place other than one's ordinary indoor location. [1/29 definitions]
outercoat a coat worn outdoors or over other clothing; overcoat.
outerwear garments such as coats or jackets that are worn over other clothes, or clothing worn outdoors.
outing a walk or ride outdoors. [1/2 definitions]
out-of-doors outdoors.
outside in or to the outdoors. [1/10 definitions]
public-address system a system of electronic amplifiers used to make sounds easily heard by a large audience, as in a theater or auditorium, or outdoors.
sleeping bag a large, usu. zippered bag that is warmly lined, in which a person can sleep outdoors.
tabard formerly, a capelike jacket worn outdoors by peasants. [1/3 definitions]
wrap (pl.) garments, blankets, or the like worn outdoors. [1/11 definitions]