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cold-blooded of animals such as fishes and reptiles, having blood whose temperature is dependent upon the temperature outside the organism. (Cf. warm-blooded.) [1/3 definitions]
convex having a surface or outer edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball. (Cf. concave.)
cosmic existing or originating outside the earth. [1/3 definitions]
cosmic ray high energy radiation, consisting primarily of high-energy protons and alpha particles, that primarily originates from outside the solar system. Upon collision with earth's atmosphere, secondary particles can be produced that sometimes reach the earth's surface.
crust the baked dough on the outside of baked goods such as bread, pies, or pizza. [1/7 definitions]
cutaway having part of the outside cut away so the inside may be seen. [1/4 definitions]
cytoplasm the ground protoplasm of cells that is outside the nucleus. [1/2 definitions]
deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]
demimonde a group that exists outside or on the edges of conventional society. [1/3 definitions]
depend to require and accept from an outside source things that are necessary to live or function successfully. [1/3 definitions]
Diaspora the body of Jews living outside of Israel. [1/3 definitions]
doorbell a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission.
doorstep a step or series of steps leading up to an outside door.
drift to be carried along by an outside force, such as wind or water. [2/11 definitions]
drug abuse the use of illegal drugs, especially in a habitual or harmful way, or the use of any drug in doses or for purposes outside their intended medical use.
ecto- outside; outer.
ectopic pregnancy a pregnancy in which a fertilized ovum begins developing outside the uterus, as in a fallopian tube.
electron a negatively charged particle, considered a fundamental unit of matter, that exists independently or outside the nucleus of an atom.
elude to escape from or remain outside of the grasp of. [1/2 definitions]
embryectomy the surgical removal of an embryo, esp. of one developing outside the uterus.
entry a passageway between an outside door and a room; hallway. [1/7 definitions]