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Dictionary Suite
slam-bang exceptional; outstanding. [1/6 definitions]
smashing (informal) outstanding or impressive. [1/2 definitions]
splendid outstanding or superb; excellent. [1/2 definitions]
standout remarkably excellent; superior; outstanding. [1/2 definitions]
star a performer or athlete who is considered to be outstanding, esp. one who has gained fame among the public. [2/11 definitions]
stellar brilliant; outstanding. [1/2 definitions]
thumping (informal) very large, outstanding, or the like; exceptional. [1/2 definitions]
topflight outstanding or superior; first-rate.
tour de force an exceptionally skillful or ingenious creation, performance, or production; outstanding display of skill.
tower1 to be outstanding; surpass others. [1/3 definitions]
towering surpassing others; outstanding. [1/3 definitions]