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Dictionary Suite
patty a small flat round or oval cake of ground meat or other food. [1/2 definitions]
pecan an edible nut that has a thin, smooth, oval shell. [1/2 definitions]
pone a small oval loaf or cake of this bread. [1/2 definitions]
racket2 a tight net strung on a light, usu. oval frame with a long handle, used to hit the ball in games such as tennis. [1/3 definitions]
rubber band a narrow, elastic, circular or oval loop of natural or synthetic rubber, used to hold together separate objects, papers, or the like.
rugby a team sport similar to football in which an oval-shaped ball is passed, kicked, and carried, and the play is continuous throughout the two forty-minute halves.
sesame a tropical herb bearing small, flat, oval seeds that yield oil and are used in food. [1/2 definitions]
sow bug any of several small terrestrial, oval, segmented isopods, often found under logs or stones; wood louse.
speed skating a competitive ice-skating sport, in which skaters wear speed skates and race, usu. around an oval track.
streptococcus any of several round or oval bacteria that occur in pairs or chains, some of which cause disease or infection in humans and animals.
taste bud any of the oval or rounded cell structures on the surface of the tongue that form the sense organ of taste.
track in sports, a path or course laid out for running or racing, often in the shape of an oval. [1/9 definitions]
tuba one of a family of large, oval, brass wind instruments that produce notes in the bass range.
tympanic membrane a thin, oval-shaped membrane separating the middle ear from the external ear, which vibrates when struck by sound waves; eardrum.
water beetle any of various aquatic beetles, characterized by a smooth oval body and flattened or fringed hind legs adapted for swimming.