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HI abbreviation of "Hawaii," a North Pacific island state of the United States.
Humboldt Current a cold current of the Pacific Ocean flowing north along the coasts of Chile and Peru.
hurricane a powerful cyclonic storm that originates in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America. A hurricane is characterized by heavy rains along with winds exceeding 73 miles, or 119 kilometers, per hour.
International Date Line (sometimes l.c.) an imaginary north-south line drawn in the Pacific Ocean, roughly at the 18th meridian, on the east side of which, by international agreement, the calendar date is one day earlier than it is on the west side; date line.
jack mackerel a mackerellike food fish of the jack family that is found in Pacific coastal waters.
Japan an island country in the Pacific off the coast of Korea and the Soviet Union; Nippon.
king crab a large crab of North Pacific waters that is valued for its edible flesh; Alaskan king crab. [1/2 definitions]
Kiribati a central Pacific island country, northeast of Australia.
mana in some cultures of the South Pacific, a supernatural power or force believed to be centered in certain persons, spirits, or objects.
Melanesia one of the three principal Pacific island groups, south of the equator, stretching from northeast of New Guinea to Fiji. (Cf. Micronesia, Polynesia.)
Micronesia one of the three principal Pacific island groups, north of the equator, between the Philippines and the international date line. (Cf. Melanesia, Polynesia.) [1/2 definitions]
milkfish a large, whitish, edible fish found in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Nauru a Pacific island country slightly south of the equator and northeast of New Guinea.
nautilus any of several related mollusks of the Indian or South Pacific Ocean, having a spiral, chambered shell lined with a pearly membrane; chambered nautilus; pearly nautilus.
New Zealand a country on two large islands in the South Pacific, southeast of Australia.
North America the northern continent in the Western Hemisphere, lying between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Oceania the region of the earth wherein are located the central, western, and southern Pacific islands, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The region is sometimes considered to additionally include Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.
OR1 abbreviation of "Oregon," a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific coast between Washington and California.
Oregon a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific coast between Washington and California. (abbr.: OR)
outrigger an attached float extended on a frame to one side of a boat to provide added stability, as on seagoing canoes in the South Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
Pacific of or pertaining to the Pacific Ocean. [2 definitions]