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Dictionary Suite
revolving door a door whose partitions, usu. four, are connected on a central revolving axis, allowing entrance as one pushes against a panel.
roundel a round decorative plate, panel, recess, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
storyboard a large panel or board of drawings presenting a sequence of images as they will appear in a video presentation, film, or advertisement.
subpanel combined form of panel.
sunroof a sliding panel in the roof of an automobile that may be opened to let in light and air.
switchboard a central panel or panels with switches for connecting and disconnecting telephone circuits or electrical circuits.
tailgate a hinged panel or board at the rear of a truck, station wagon, or wagon that can be let down for loading or unloading. [1/2 definitions]
vane a planar surface with the function of absorbing radiant energy to be stored or transmitted; solar panel; solar vane. [1/4 definitions]
wainscot to panel or line (an interior wall or the like) with wainscoting. [1/3 definitions]
window envelope an envelope that has a transparent panel, through which the address on the enclosure may be seen.