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foretaste a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future. [1/2 definitions]
glimpse a quick look; momentary or partial view. [1/4 definitions]
godchild a child whom a godparent promises at baptism to assume partial responsibility for, esp. in overseeing his or her religious education.
godparent an adult who promises at baptism to assume partial responsibility for a child, esp. to oversee his or her religious education.
half incomplete; partial. [1/7 definitions]
harmonics (used with a pl. verb) partial tones or overtones of a fundamental musical tone. [1/2 definitions]
hibernation in computing, a mode of partial deactivation for an idle computer that saves power and allows a quick restart by storing the contents of RAM in a stable location before turning the machine off. [1/3 definitions]
impartial not partial or prejudiced; even-handed or objective.
inkling a vague or partial idea or understanding. [2 definitions]
instrumental serving as an agent or partial cause. [1/3 definitions]
leukoderma a lack of skin pigmentation, either total or partial, that results in white patches.
loco disease a nervous disease of livestock, caused by locoweed poisoning and involving dullness, clumsiness, and partial paralysis.
microclimate the climate of a small, specific, or partial area rather than that of the whole, as of a city or greenhouse. (Cf. macroclimate.)
mongolism (outdated; no longer in scientific use; sometimes cap.) the abnormal condition of a person born with an additional chromosome, characterized by a flattened skull, slanted eyes, often decreased mental facility, and partial deafness; Down's syndrome.
ovariotomy surgical incision into or partial or total removal of an ovary or ovaries.
paralysis partial or complete loss of sensation or the ability to move in a body part, caused by injury or disease of the nervous system. [2 definitions]
paresis slight or partial paralysis, usu. affecting movement but not sensation.
partiality the condition of being partial. [1/3 definitions]
partition that which serves to separate or divide, esp. a wall or partial wall that separates parts of a room. [2/6 definitions]
partway to some partial degree or extent; partly.
predigest to subject (food) to artificial, partial digestion before eating.